Throughout the year we try to raise as much money as we can for the school through events such as fairs, discos and other fundraising activities. The children really enjoy all these events and it really helps us to strengthen the strong community atmosphere. The events also enable us to provide funds for much needed equipment and resources, such as new outdoor equipment, reading resources etc.
It is now possible for you to help us raise money for the school every time you shop online! With the easy fundraising website, once you’ve registered, participating retailers will donate a percentage to the school. (Retailers include Argos, M&S, Clarks, Amazon, John Lewis, Next and many more.) If you’d like to help us raise money for the school in this way, it’s easy to do and only takes a moment to register at:
Friends of Avonmouth have just signed up for Amazon Smile a shopping initiative which helps charities like us. Every time you shop with Amazon via amazon smile a percentage of whatever you buy from comes to Friends of Avonmouth School.
So next time you buy something from Amazon sign up for Amazon Smile and you will be helping for school to raise money.
Throughout the year we try to raise as much money as we can for the school through events such as fairs, discos and other fundraising activities. The children really enjoy all these events and it really helps us to strengthen the strong community atmosphere. The events also enable us to provide funds for much needed equipment and resources, such as new outdoor equipment, reading resources etc.
It is now possible for you to help us raise money for the school every time you shop online! With the easy fundraising website, once you’ve registered, participating retailers will donate a percentage to the school. (Retailers include Argos, M&S, Clarks, Amazon, John Lewis, Next and many more.) If you’d like to help us raise money for the school in this way, it’s easy to do and only takes a moment to register at:
Friends of Avonmouth have just signed up for Amazon Smile a shopping initiative which helps charities like us. Every time you shop with Amazon via amazon smile a percentage of whatever you buy from comes to Friends of Avonmouth School.
So next time you buy something from Amazon sign up for Amazon Smile and you will be helping for school to raise money.