About the PTFA

PTFA stands for Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. Every member of staff and every parent who has a child who attends Avonmouth C of E primary School are automatically part of the PTFA. We have a board of committee members who have been elected by staff and parents. 


These members organise fundraising events like the Summer & Christmas Fayres, Pantomies, discos, Explorerdome and Tuck Shops. The funds raised at these events can then be used in many ways, for example, Easter egg hunts, buying playground equipment, decking for the Conservation area,  or paying for live theatre to come into the school. In the past years the PFTA have paid for the Year 6 Hoodies and has made donations to classes to be used towards trips.  The committee members will hand out questionnaires to staff and parents for suggestions and these ideas will then be taken to a vote at a committee meeting.

Once a year we hold an AGM, (Annual general Meeting) and ask that as many staff members and parents attend as possible. At this meeting the committee will make any adjustments to the constitution needed, propose new people who wish to be elected for a leadership role with the committee. The chair will address the attendees and let them all know how well the PTFA did with raising funds the year before, what the money was spent on and ask for opinions.


Who's who?


Chair - Ali White

Vice Chair -  Vacancy

Secretary -  Kim O'Connor

Treasurer -  Trudi Webb

Social Media & School Contact - Kim O'Connor


Class Representatives

Nursery -

Reception- Lysa Webb

Yr 1 - 

Year 2 - 

Year 3 - Esther Mutahinduka

Year 4 - Linda Gould

Year 5 - Hazel Greenway

Year 6 - 


How can you help?

As a parent/carer of a child/children in Avonmouth Primary School you automatically become a member of the PTFA however if would like a more formal role  please contact the school office who will pass your details on.

If you are abe to help at events please get in contact with Trudi Webb or Ali White via the School Office.  The PTFA appreciate all the help they can get.  Without the help of Parents/Carers events cannot go ahead.

We are currently looking for a parent contact in Nursery Class, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6.  All we ask is that you be the point of contact where information can be sent out on your class WhatsApp Groups if you have one.  If this is something you can help with please email Mrs Kim O'Connor on kim.o' 


Past Events


Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January 2025 - Whole School Event - paid for by the PTFA


Next Event

Easter Competition 2025 - letter to come home soon.


School Disco - 22nd May 2025 - watch this space!


A Great Big Thank You

The PTFA rely on donations from local companies as well parents to help fund extra activities for the children as well as raffle prizes for fairs.  We would especially like to that the following companies for their continued support:


The Bristol Port Company - John Chaplin

Avon Valley Railway

Bristol Ferry Company