Our Whole School Vision and Values
By the river, we prosper.
At Avonmouth C of E Primary School, we are proud of our Christian foundations and ethos. We are firmly rooted in the local community, with a close bond to our local church.
Situated alongside the mouth of the River Avon and the Severn Estuary, our strong school vision that all children should be able to prosper and flourish is underpinned by Psalm 1:3
‘They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither and they prosper in all they do.’
We believe that all children should have a range of opportunities, excellent teaching and learning, a strong community and outstanding pastoral care to enable them to prosper, flourish and grow as unique individuals with a strong sense of spirituality. Prospering to us means that children will be able to fulfil their potential and to impact positively on the community.
Following the introduction of our new school vision, all of the pupils and their families had the opportunity to decide on the values that meant the most to us as a school.
Our school values are:
We believe that we can demonstrate all of these values through our 4 main school principles: